Sunday, March 1, 2009

New York is liberal, right?

More to report, so I'm actually doing another blog today. This one's about a protest I stumbled upon at City Hall in Lower Manhattan yesterday.

Yes, it was an anti-Obama rally, and people in attendance seemed most upset at what they see as his Red tendencies.

I felt as if I had landed on another planet - read the signs and you'll see what I mean.

After Bobby Jindal's strange rant the other night, I can't help but feel that the fringe is growing larger and more desperate as the days go by.

And these protesters looked to be working class people, not Wall Street fat cats (with Wall St just equally desperate blocks away, you couldn't help but think about it while watching the rally).

One last image to sum up the day - No Socialism! Gotta love America.


  1. I have to admit, "Keep your change, I'll keep mine" made me laugh. Tolerance of dissent is easy when the prez's approval rating is in the 60-70 percentile. Carry on, Rose!

  2. All of the signs made me laugh - does that make me a socialist?
